What is Regenerative Farming?

Grazing Management

Trampled Grass Covering Soil

Pasture Diversity

Cocktail Cropping

At Glenlands Farm we see regenerative farming as using animals to improve soils. Regenerative Agriculture is a system of farming principles and practices that increases biodiversity, enriches soils, improves watersheds, and enhances ecosystem services, by capturing carbon in soil and above ground biomass.
Grazing at the top of the pasture growth curve allows full recovery of pastures. The pasture keeps soils covered especially during summer and when wet, and creates an ideal environment for seed germination and seed survival.
By encouraging diversity of grasses, legumes, forbs and even weeds – yes even weeds are diversity, you improve feeding soils while providing food for livestock as well as pollinators, birds and people.
The carbon reserves in your soil are an asset for your farm. This will help buffer effects from floods and droughts and store nutrients, reducing down stream issues. CO2 is essential for plant nutrient and is not a pollutant.
Animals are a tool you can use to improve pastures as well as destroy them
Dean does a lot of consultation work either by phone, Skype or can do farm visits. He is also available for group discussions and presentations. These will be based on individual or group needs. Please send us a message to discuss your options.
At Glenlands Farm we hold events throughout the year.
We currently have not got any upcoming events. Follow Glenlands Farm on Facebook to be informed as soon as events are released.
If you would like to organise a private tour please contact us.
We are excited for our up and coming second SheepMaster Ram sale line up. We have 36 Shedding Rams up
As we gear up for our second annual ram auction, we’re excited to share the progress SheepMaster is making in
We are excited to share our journey with the innovative SheepMaster breed and its positive impact on our farming practices